Vital Financial in the News

Seven Wesleyan students pitched at the CT Business Plan Competition in April. Left to right: Babila Fomuteh ’21, Ferdinand Quayson ’20, Ray Peters ’18, Leslie Maldonado ’19, Aaron Stryker ’19, Raphael Goldstein ’21, Tyler Lederer-Plaskett ’21

In the 23rd Connecticut Business Competition and Entrepreneur Conference, the largest collegiate business competition in Connecticut to date, sixty-two student teams from fifteen colleges and universities competed for more than $30,000 in cash awards, plus $10,000 in in-kind startup services. In total, more than 250 students, faculty, investors, and entrepreneurs took part where Vital Financial won 3rd for Social Enterprises. Read more about it here.

The Patricelli Center Fellowship — a year-long, project-based, cohort-style program for student entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and changemakers — graduated its third cohort of twenty students.

With Wesleyan University once again being named the #1 “Impact School” by The Princeton Review, the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship stands tall at the heart of its successes. In the eight years since it was founded, the Center has awarded a total of $370,000 in grants to 165 students or student-led projects. The Patricelli Center Fellowship allowed for Vital Financial to work in a cohort of change-makers and innovators to expand our outreach. It provided a learning experience not offered in a typical classroom setting involving a phenomenal speaker series to network with, fearless experimentations to learn from, and the true meaning of social change and entrepreneurship.
